Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Baby its cold outside

Hello again!

I was trying to share this news on a YouTube video but my camera has decided to be a spastic jerk. It cannot decided if it has battery power or not. My parents are getting me a knew one for Christmas (My mother cannot keep a secret) and hopefully the new one will be much nicer to me.

But back to the real point. A little over a year ago I moved home in order to save up some money and buy a new car. Last February I purchased a Mazda 3. It is a cute little car. It get good gas mileage and has their SkyActiv technology (being a girl who is not that into cars I don't fully understand what it does). I also love the color and the fact that the front end looks like it is smiling at me.

If I lived in the south this car would be completely perfect. However, I live north of Pittsburgh, Pa. When winter hits it hits good. I'm sure all us Pittsburgh people remember Snowmageddon a few years back. In fact I just finished cleaning snow off my car moments ago. Luckily, I didn't have to work
today. I was able to wait until it was sunny and not windy to clean it off. Unfortunately this isn't always the case. I work shifts and sometimes I have to leave at 5:15am or will not get out of work until 10pm. Getting into a freezing car at night is never fun let alone getting in after having to clean it off for five minutes.

The one thing this car needs that it doesn't come with is a remote starter! My mother has one and every time I steal her car it is so nice to be able to hop into the car and it already be warm. Fortunately my suffering is almost over. After new years I will be getting a remote starter put into my baby.

It is going to set me back $400. But in the long run (when my fingers don't freeze hanging on to the wheel) it will be so very worth it. I may even use it come summertime to make my car nice and cool on those hot days.

#SingleGirlProblem Number 8: Having to clean snow off the car


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Things I can't do left handed...

Last night, I went out to SouthSide to celebrate a friend's birthday. As I have already told you guys in my post Tumble Down the Stairs, I am not the most graceful person. Adding alcohol into the mix only makes it worse. Walking from one bar to the next, I fell down crossing the street. I picked myself up, wiped off the blood and kept moving. This morning when I woke up my right wrist was killing me. Fortunately, I don't think it is broken just sprained or twisted.

 I've got a wrap on it to see if it will help it get better. 

I am a right handed person. I use my right hand for a lot of things. Since my wrist is hurting today, I've tried to use my left hand for things. I've come to realize there are some things I cannot do left handed.  

Some things I cannot do left handed despite how hard I try:
  • Brushing my teeth
  • Taking food from my plate to my mouth 
  • Switching between Park, Reverse, and Drive in my car (Thank goodness it isn't a manual!)
  • Writing
There are also some things I cannot do one handed:
  • Put my hair in a pony tail
  • Typing (This post is painful!)
  • opening twist off lids
  • Tying my shoe laces
I'm sure I will find more things over the next day or so that I need my right hand for. I am just reminded of how blessed I am to have two working hands on a daily basis. 

#SingleGirlProblem Number 7: Still having to do everything for yourself when you hurt your wrist.  

Are any of you ambidextrous? I know I'm not.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Girl meets world...


So my entire childhood pretty much revolved around the television show Boy Meets World and the love story of Cory and Topanga. Not to mention wishing Shawn would go to my school, so I could moon over him every day. Also who didn't love Mr. Feeny, Eric, and Minkus! This was my favorite tv show growing up and I watched every episode. These characters were practically family

I have just learned that a sequel to the tv show is being made starting this year. It is titled Girl Meets World and is following the daughter of Cory and Topanga. Normally, I am terribly disappointed when tv shows or movies make sequels. This is mostly because character's actors/actresses change or the writing and plots just aren't as good as the original. However, this time I have reasons for high hopes for a sequel. First off, Boy Meets World creator Michael Jacobs is a part of the new show. Secondly, Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel are returning to play Cory and Topanga. Finally, IMDb alludes to the fact the Rider Strong and Will Friedle might make appearances as Shawn and Eric although neither is confirmed. 

The only concern I have is that it is being aired on the Disney channel. I think that Disney is a little more alined with keeping things very kid like where as ABC Family is more into shows about growing and changing. But, I still can't wait to see how they portray the characters as parents and adults. 

What do you think of the actress picked for Cory and Topanga's daughter Riley?

#SingleGirlProblem Number 6: Still searching for the Cory to your Topanga


Friday, February 15, 2013

Kickball, Mulan, and coloring...


As I said a few posts ago, I recently had seven days off from work. It was a great time spent with my friend but coming back to work it felt like I had been gone a month.

My work schedule called for two double days in a row. For those of you who don't work shifts, a double means a 16 hour work day.  I was anticipating having a horrible two days back.

I was however pleasantly surprised. Yesterday, I spent two hours playing kickball with the kids. We had a great time and no one was mean to each other.

Today, we watched Disney movies and colored sweet pictures(see below). I actually enjoyed my time at work. Well, other than getting spit in the face...twice. The good today made up for the bad.

#SingleGirlProblem number 5: no one waiting with face wash ready to go when I walk in the door because they know you had a spitty day


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Single Awareness day!!

Err. I mean Happy St. Valentine's Day.

Today is just wrought with singles problems. There are too many it is tough to choose just one.

As a single woman, Valentine's day is low on my list of holidays to celebrate. Lucky for me, I am working all day this year. Even luckier for me, I work where getting flowers isn't really the norm. Valentine's day is just like any other here.

On this holiday, I try not to focus on my lack of relationship but rather the great ones in my family. My grandparents(on both sides), parents, aunt/uncle, and many others are still happily married. My family is blessed with happy healthy marriages and I won't settle for less. This is why I'm so picky when it comes to dating. I'm looking for what I've grown up with and it has been hard to find.

#SingleGirlProblem Number 4: Secretly wanting flowers on Valentine's day but not having anyone to buy you some


Who are some of your relationship role models?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It is Just Coffee...

Hey friends,

So being a single girl, I am somewhat attempting to rectify that status. Meaning I am going out and meeting new people. One of my typical meet up spots is a coffee shop. There are a few reasons for this:

  1. Coffee shops are usually occupied by at least one other person. I am never alone with someone I am just getting to know. As a single woman, I try to stay as safe as possible. You never know whose out there.  
  2. I can get there a few minutes early to relax and calm myself so I don't act like an idiot.
  3. We can buy our own coffee. So it is less of a date and more of two people just relaxing and getting to know each other. 

Just to be safe I always tell someone (usually my sister) that I am getting coffee with a guy and all the details like where, when, etcetera. Unfortunately, my sister wasn't around yesterday. I was forced to tell my mother of my plans to meet a guy for coffee.

(My mom and me on vacation last year.)

Don't get me wrong, I love my mother to death. She is a fantastic woman who is always helping anyone and everyone. However, just like everyone she has her little quirks. One of them being she blows things way out of portion. Since she knew I was going on a "coffee date," my mom grilled me for information about it when I got home. She didn't make any ridiculous comments, so I thought I made through safely. 

My mother being who she is cannot just take things with a grain of salt. Today while shopping with my sister and me, mom brought up my date. She was telling my sister about it as if I was going to marry the guy and give her nine little grandchildren she'd have to convert to Pittsburgh fans. The whole time I am saying "It was JUST coffee." 

I'm not sure when coffee became equivalent to getting engaged...or maybe that was how it was done back in the 1970's. I should ask my dad if that's how he got my mom. 

#SingleGirlProblem Number 3: Convincing my mother that sometimes coffee is just coffee.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tumble Down the Stairs...

Hey y'all (the southern is still in my system),

Remember when we were younger and the cool thing to do was look up the meaning of your name? This was probably around the time that My Big Fat Greek Wedding came out and  everything was rooted back to the Greek language. Well that and Windex was the new cure for pimples.

Anywho the real purpose of this rambling is the meaning of my name. Tabitha means Gazelle. Gazelle's are considered to be graceful and swift animals.

I have been haunted by this meaning from the moment I read it. I am not the most graceful person. I am constantly tripping and falling. Basically, I am very good at being the opposite of graceful.

For example, today I was walking down the stairs and fell. There was no reason I fell other than tripping over my own feet. I smacked my elbow, back, and head off the steps. Luckily, I didn't hurt myself. This brings me to the single girl problem of this post.

#SingleGirlProblem Number 2: No one to kiss your bruises or to get you ice when you fall

(My elbow is a little sore.)

Personally, I think I fit more in with urban dictionary's definition of gazelle:
A good looking, yet aloof girl who is consistently guarded when a man shows interest. She will give the impression of mild interest, even go out on dates with a man she is not that interested in, and then run at the first sign of genuine pursuit. On rare occasions, the man is able to catch her interest anyway.
But that is a different story for a different day.

Hope no one else took a tumble today!


Monday, February 11, 2013

Road trip!!

Hey Y'all,

Recently, I've realized that my friends and I have become some sort of adults. I've discovered this because my friends have all been moving out of state to obtain jobs or continue school. There is nothing more eye opening to the fact that your friends are no longer down the hall or on the next street than an twelve hour drive to see them.

This past weekend I drove a twelve hour trip to visit my friend/sorority little. Starting in Pittsburgh around 3am (Yes, I left that early.) I drove all day to end up in Memphis, Tennessee by 4pm.

(About half way there, I realized I could take pictures of myself/the road with my phone's camera simply by using my gps mount.)

The problem I find with traveling alone is that I can never take pictures of the state signs. I was so glad when I figured out how to do it with relative ease on my phone. I was also super happy to see this one after a long morning of driving. It was still a long way to Memphis from the Tennessee/Kentucky line though.

While on my way to visit my friend, I decided to be an opportunist and stop for a couple hours in Nashville. I have been listening to country music since before I was born. It was great to stop and see the place where many artists go to get their start.


(While exploring Nashville, I enjoyed my first real southern sweet tea. The stuff they serve at McDonald's in the north cannot compare. I also ate lunch at a bar where a live band was already playing at 11am.)

Surprisingly after twelve hours, I still had enough energy to visit yet another state with my friend. I met some of the lovely southern women who belong to the same sorority as us. They were sweet, welcoming, and so much fun. I'm so grateful that the alumnae down south have welcome my little into their hearts. It reminds me so much why I joined in the first place. 

(State number 6 of my day: Pennsylvania->West Virginia->Ohio->Kentucky->Tennessee->Arkansas)

Another notion towards adulthood was the activities we partook in over the weekend. (Well other than the somewhat random laser tag bonding event her work had.)

We built her a new coffee table because her old one had a broken leg. Yes, two single females were able to correctly follow the instructions and properly build the table. There were even no injuries (other than a small bump to the head and a splinter). It has stayed far.

For some Saturday fun, we went for a walk in the park. We walked around chatting about life and how I should move to Memphis for about two hours. It was such a beautiful day. It made me want to walk around the park more when I got home. However, I will miss the conversation here.

 After sampling some delicious BBQ, we went to downtown Memphis and enjoyed some of the fun music filled bars. Surprised by the MardiGras decor, we laughed at the older patrons and vowing to be like them when we got to that point in our lives.
The last day we spent lounging around watching movies and comparing them to our lives. (Who says that life cannot be like Legally Blonde??)

It only took four days, but her cat finally warmed up to me enough to let me pet her...then she wouldn't let me stop.

Finally, we concluded our time together enjoying the grammy's and drooling over our childhood crush, Justin Timberlake.

The trip back I took it six hours at a time stopping only once in the middle to fill up on gas. My secret to staying awake the whole time was obnoxiously singing along to my music. It was a tough drive and I don't look forward to doing it again. However, I will do it again. While the trip to and from was terrible, the time spent reconnecting with my friend and learning about her new life was priceless. I'm glad to have her back in my life.

As you may have noticed, I have retitled my blog once again. One of the topics we discussed this trip was our single statuses including some of the benefits that come with it like just picking up and driving to Memphis because I could. Driving back, I remembered how nice it is to have someone to share the driving with hence the inspiration for my new title/theme for the blog.

#SingleGirlProblem Number 1: Having to drive the whole twelve hours on my own and not being able to pass it off to my man
