Hey Y'all,
Recently, I've realized that my friends and I have become some sort of adults. I've discovered this because my friends have all been moving out of state to obtain jobs or continue school. There is nothing more eye opening to the fact that your friends are no longer down the hall or on the next street than an twelve hour drive to see them.
This past weekend I drove a twelve hour trip to visit my friend/sorority little. Starting in Pittsburgh around 3am (Yes, I left that early.) I drove all day to end up in Memphis, Tennessee by 4pm.
(About half way there, I realized I could take pictures of myself/the road with my phone's camera simply by using my gps mount.)
The problem I find with traveling alone is that I can never take pictures of the state signs. I was so glad when I figured out how to do it with relative ease on my phone. I was also super happy to see this one after a long morning of driving. It was still a long way to Memphis from the Tennessee/Kentucky line though.
While on my way to visit my friend, I decided to be an opportunist and stop for a couple hours in Nashville. I have been listening to country music since before I was born. It was great to stop and see the place where many artists go to get their start.

(While exploring Nashville, I enjoyed my first real southern sweet tea. The stuff they serve at McDonald's in the north cannot compare. I also ate lunch at a bar where a live band was already playing at 11am.)
Surprisingly after twelve hours, I still had enough energy to visit yet another state with my friend. I met some of the lovely southern women who belong to the same sorority as us. They were sweet, welcoming, and so much fun. I'm so grateful that the alumnae down south have welcome my little into their hearts. It reminds me so much why I joined in the first place.
(State number 6 of my day: Pennsylvania->West Virginia->Ohio->Kentucky->Tennessee->Arkansas)
Another notion towards adulthood was the activities we partook in over the weekend. (Well other than the somewhat random laser tag bonding event her work had.)
We built her a new coffee table because her old one had a broken leg. Yes, two single females were able to correctly follow the instructions and properly build the table. There were even no injuries (other than a small bump to the head and a splinter). It has stayed together...so far.
For some Saturday fun, we went for a walk in the park. We walked around chatting about life and how I should move to Memphis for about two hours. It was such a beautiful day. It made me want to walk around the park more when I got home. However, I will miss the conversation here.
After sampling some delicious BBQ, we went to downtown Memphis and enjoyed some of the fun music filled bars. Surprised by the MardiGras decor, we laughed at the older patrons and vowing to be like them when we got to that point in our lives.

The last day we spent lounging around watching movies and comparing them to our lives. (Who says that life cannot be like Legally Blonde??)
It only took four days, but her cat finally warmed up to me enough to let me pet her...then she wouldn't let me stop.
Finally, we concluded our time together enjoying the grammy's and drooling over our childhood crush, Justin Timberlake.
The trip back I took it six hours at a time stopping only once in the middle to fill up on gas. My secret to staying awake the whole time was obnoxiously singing along to my music. It was a tough drive and I don't look forward to doing it again. However, I will do it again. While the trip to and from was terrible, the time spent reconnecting with my friend and learning about her new life was priceless. I'm glad to have her back in my life.
As you may have noticed, I have retitled my blog once again. One of the topics we discussed this trip was our single statuses including some of the benefits that come with it like just picking up and driving to Memphis because I could. Driving back, I remembered how nice it is to have someone to share the driving with hence the inspiration for my new title/theme for the blog.
#SingleGirlProblem Number 1: Having to drive the whole twelve hours on my own and not being able to pass it off to my man