Friday, February 15, 2013

Kickball, Mulan, and coloring...


As I said a few posts ago, I recently had seven days off from work. It was a great time spent with my friend but coming back to work it felt like I had been gone a month.

My work schedule called for two double days in a row. For those of you who don't work shifts, a double means a 16 hour work day.  I was anticipating having a horrible two days back.

I was however pleasantly surprised. Yesterday, I spent two hours playing kickball with the kids. We had a great time and no one was mean to each other.

Today, we watched Disney movies and colored sweet pictures(see below). I actually enjoyed my time at work. Well, other than getting spit in the face...twice. The good today made up for the bad.

#SingleGirlProblem number 5: no one waiting with face wash ready to go when I walk in the door because they know you had a spitty day


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