Monday, February 18, 2013

Girl meets world...


So my entire childhood pretty much revolved around the television show Boy Meets World and the love story of Cory and Topanga. Not to mention wishing Shawn would go to my school, so I could moon over him every day. Also who didn't love Mr. Feeny, Eric, and Minkus! This was my favorite tv show growing up and I watched every episode. These characters were practically family

I have just learned that a sequel to the tv show is being made starting this year. It is titled Girl Meets World and is following the daughter of Cory and Topanga. Normally, I am terribly disappointed when tv shows or movies make sequels. This is mostly because character's actors/actresses change or the writing and plots just aren't as good as the original. However, this time I have reasons for high hopes for a sequel. First off, Boy Meets World creator Michael Jacobs is a part of the new show. Secondly, Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel are returning to play Cory and Topanga. Finally, IMDb alludes to the fact the Rider Strong and Will Friedle might make appearances as Shawn and Eric although neither is confirmed. 

The only concern I have is that it is being aired on the Disney channel. I think that Disney is a little more alined with keeping things very kid like where as ABC Family is more into shows about growing and changing. But, I still can't wait to see how they portray the characters as parents and adults. 

What do you think of the actress picked for Cory and Topanga's daughter Riley?

#SingleGirlProblem Number 6: Still searching for the Cory to your Topanga


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