Friday, February 20, 2009

Alex in contemplation...

“Good, Good.” Henry said. The worry removed from his eyes. “I will tell Lady Worthington to continue with the plans, and make sure everything is ready. That way Addison can work solely on getting better.”
Feeling as if he needed to get air, Alex excused himself from the study and walked outside. Thoughts were running through his head and he needed the fresh air. Alex walked through the gardens contemplating his decision to accept Lord Henry’s offer. He contemplated the positives and negatives of continuing with the match. On the positive side, Addison is much more mature then the giggling debutants who are barely babes out of the nursery. I am also receiving a very large dowry from her father. However, on the other hand, this injury is concerning. She could be faking it to get out of the wedding, but no she wouldn’t do that. Then she must really be hurt. Am I willing to take care of her for the rest of my life if necessary? Aye, I entered into the engagement, and will not ruin her reputation by calling it off. Coming to a stop, he realized that he had journeyed through the garden’s labyrinth reaching his decision as he reached the center. He stopped and sat on a bench.

Carpe Diem,
Tabitha Savka


Asiat Averas said...

i like this.... where's the rest??? i'm going to nag you until i read most of it.

Unknown said...

ha ha you will get to see it soon enough...i added stuff to the beginning lol

Asiat Averas said...

urgh. I'm an impatient one, I am, Tabitha. This is SO not working :D :D :D

Unknown said...

i wrote more today on the way to the museum you are going to love it...i can't wait to get to the good parts