Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wait is it Tuesday??

To my friends who love me and the ones who don't:

So labor day weekend was totally fun...except for the whole being eaten alive by bugs. Pilgrimage was amazing as usual. My only regret is that i forgot my camera so i could capture the wonderful moments.

So now that i am back at school i am not really likeing the whole waking up at 7am. Especially, since i didn't get up until like 10 all weekend.

What is totally awesome is that i don't have all that much work since i totally did it this weekend. Maybe i will have the chance to relax! I am so excited.

All my Love,


Anonymous said...

Hey Tabitha...I apologise for the fact that I only got to say something to you for three seconds.
There were so many peeps around and I got a little bit confoosed.
Not to mention I began a slow roast in the sun!

Asiat Averas said...

wow kreepy... y do my friends allways got to meet ea. other??? nyways tabby cat I LOVE THE NEW LAYOUT!!! it's gorgeous.

Tabitha said...

To sphinx568: sorry i did not get a chance to talk to you more either. I left like right after we ate.

To Asiat: Thank you I was feeling like a change