Thursday, May 7, 2009

So remember that time when I said...

Yeah remember when I said my goal this summer was to finish a book. Not quite sure how that is going to work out. Seeing as I started another one...grr...I just have such great ideas that I have to start writing them.

On the other side, I have been working on a few of the other books (if you could call them that).

Something exciting about this new book is that it is not my usual romance stuff (though I think two people might get together eventually). It is actually a murder mystery crime novel thing-a-ma-jig. Yes that is the technical term lol. Lets just say the killer is not who you are expecting hehe (cause they haven't even been written into the story yet) lol!

I think it came from watching all these crime shows on tv. Plus I do have a pessimistic mind sometimes or a lot. just kidding...or am i? idk!!! Ahh! I am losing my memory lol...I really have no idea where that came from lol! Lack of sleep probably.

Well I better go before I sound even more crazy. Or is it insane! Idk!!! AHH! lol! just kidding!

Carpe Diem,


Asiat Averas said...

hahaha. maybe i should enlighten you on the new ones i've written and told no one of. I started one (after reading a junk-load of mythology) where it's the mystery/romance of Hades (yeh, like lord of the underworld)'s daughter Evelyn. IT'S SOOOO COOL!!! lol. amazing.


Tabitha said...

I love that I get so many ideas from other things like tv, friends, family, etc. but...then i start another book without finishing the others grr