Monday, October 6, 2008

I just made this up...literally right now lol

Wandering aimlessly through the stacks at the library, Addison wonders why no one ever looks at the bookish girl with mousy brown hair, and glasses. Why do guys never ask me out?? She wondered or even talk to me. It is still the same as it was in high school. Except now she got paid to be in the library. Pulling her favorite book off the shelf, she flipped through the pages and thought if only I could find my own Mr. Darcy.

An eerie voice broke the silence causing Addison to jump out of her own world and back into the real one. "So you’re a fan of Pride and Prejudice huh?"

"Who's there?" she said nervously.

"Over here" the voice answered just as eerie as before. Looking through the stacks, she saw a pair of eyes on the other side. Starring into them, she realized how unnatural they seemed. The eyes were glowing a brilliant green. She could not look away. It was as if something inside her was pulling her towards the eyes. "Come here" it said. Walking around the stacks, she turned the corner not knowing what to expect. When she rounded the stack, there was no one there. I am imagining things she thought to herself. Then she heard the voice again. "Hurry up! you don't want to get lost do you." The voice was coming from farther back. She thought it was coming from the old section of the library, but no one goes there since the fire a few years ago. "Let’s go I cannot wait around all day" it said. Without even thinking, Addison ran through the door into the old section of the library. The door closed behind her and she was immediately engulfed in darkness. "Finally, what took you so long?" Directly in front of her were those brilliant green eyes. Only now they were connected to a man. He was the most handsome man Addison had ever seen. His hair was golden blond so much so that it was glittering in the darkness. He was so tall that he was at least a full foot taller than Addison, and she is 5 feet 9 inches. "Come" he said grabbing her hand. "There is something I want to show you." He led her off into the darkness.

All My Love,


Asiat Averas said...

i freaking love it!!!! tho, seriosuly, who did u model addison after???

Jason is awaiting me, the full embodyment of emoliciousness so ta ta.

All my love,

Tabitha said...

Well, a little bit after you...he he love ya...i really want to keep writing this, but school work awaits...grrr!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, this is very interesting so far!!
Will not be able to wait for the rest at this rate.

Asiat Averas said...

gr8 job gal: )
love ya too.
PS: i can tell, mousy hair and glasses is soooo me... or it was b4 the whole contacts: )

Tabitha said...

ha ha!! I am finished with my paper so i am free to work on this wahooo!!!! Maybe more tomorrow