Wednesday, August 27, 2008


To my friends who love me and the ones who don't:

So i totally have been getting so much homework. I spent the last three days reading so many boring college books it is ridiculus. I have finished for the night so I figured that I might share my fun with you lol. Actually, I am going to read a book for fun!! It is like the first chance all day!! I was going to get a job but if my teachers are going to be killing me with all this reading i am not going to have time. GRRRRR!

Well, I am looking forward to this weekend because it is pilgrimage!! But people are not coming!! It just won't be the same without Martha or Deanna!!! Oh well i plan on relaxing and not thinking about homework or school!!

All My Love,

1 comment:

Asiat Averas said...

i hope u got home safe : ) i still feel like an abomination... dang bein sick!!!