Monday, February 28, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

Come Back Again Another Day...

Does anyone remember the rest of that rhyme? I tried to Google it, but all I found where ones that I had never heard before.Oh well, it really wasn't important and was just supposed to be the title for my post about the rain. However, now I am going to spend the rest of the day attempting to remember nursery rhymes from my childhood. So I found this, but the last line was definitely not what I used to say...hum...

It's raining, it's pouring;
The old man is snoring.
Bumped his head
And he went to bed
And he couldn't get up in the morning.
Rain, rain, go away;
Come again another day

So, the real purpose of this post was to comment on the insane thunderstorms we had last night and this morning. Outside the building where I work part of the walkway was so covered with water that it looked like it was supposed to be a pond to begin with. Then steps had turned into a waterfall. When I finally made it into the building I was relieved to be out of the water. However, I was in for a surprise. I went down stairs to find that the inside was as bad as the outside. The floor was collecting water. Deciding that the combination of water and electronics was not a good thing I called to report it to the university's maintenance department. Rather than sit in the water I went to work form my laptop in the dry building next door. This is an epic fail for the flat roofed building. According to my boss, the same thing happened over the summer. Clearly this means that they fixed it so well...

I know that by the end of the day I am going to lose my umbrella. Since I cannot fathom the whereabouts of my small compact umbrella, I took a huge "golf" umbrella from the trunk of my car. It is the most annoying umbrella ever. It is pretty much a cane. I feel like I am an idiot carrying it around when everyone has their little baby umbrellas. I keep putting it on the ground under the table I am sitting at. I know that I will never remember to grab it when I leave. I know this because it has already happened once. I was sitting in the mp and I told myself "don't forget to grab the umbrella." Ten seconds later I was walking towards the library sans umbrella. Realizing this, I quickly back tracked and felt even more like an idiot. I have a feeling at the end of the day I am going to be roaming campus playing where's waldo for my umbrella. 

I wish you all better luck staying dry today than I have had so far!


Saturday, February 12, 2011


...In my blog postings...

So I have been lacking in posting for a while. I am not sorry to say that it is because I am working on getting a life which is time consuming. So, I would love to say that me getting a life is extremely exciting, but nope nothing of the sort. I have really dived into my thesis. I am talking to more people and getting more ideas for my paper. The biggest thing I am doing now is working on my IRB paperwork. I think I am pretty much finished with it, so I am going to have my adviser look at it on Monday and if it is good turn it in :) yay!

I have also been spending a lot of time looking into some job possibilities. It is insanely hard to find a job on the internet. I literally spent hours searching and only came up with one. This is an omen. Either like I am meant to have that job, or I am meant to work with my mother at Giant Eagle for a while after I graduate. I am hoping it is the former because I would really like to be able to pay off my student loans sooner rather than later. 

There is also another way I am trying to get a life, but it is early and I don't want to jinx it. So, I am not going to talk about it. You'll just have to wonder :) unless you're Darlene or Kim (and that is a very likely since the two of you are like a third of my followers lol) then you know what I am talking about!

Well for some reason my phone is blowing up right now and I can't keep track. I am gonna go see why everyone wants to talk to me :)


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Where is the Snow?

Epic Fail Weatherman & RMU...

So, last night I was told by the weatherman that a massive storm was supposed to be coming. Wasn't it supposed to rival Snowmageddon of 2010? Looking outside my car isn't even covered and the roads are clean. Which knowing my plan is impossible therefore we could not have had too much snow. So, even with the lack of snow my school decided to have a two hour delay. I am not complaining about this because it means that I don't have to go anywhere till I work at 1pm today. What I am going to laugh about is that my school has this text/email alert system for closures/delays. However, this morning my roommate Kim told me we had a delay before the alert did. Wow...really on top of things RMU. I think they are really just lucky that I wasn't already up and moving before I got my alert. I would have been upset...

Given that I was allowed more time to sleep this morning and even more to get ready. I got to sneak in a work out. This is exciting because I usually struggle to find time to get a work out in. This morning I had all the time int he world. It was fantastic! And now I am relaxing and watching the Price is Right. This is one of my favorite shows. When my Baba and Dzedo (grandparents) would babysit me when I was little we would watch it all the time. Well, my Dzedo and I would, he is a big game show fan. My Baba would change it to EWTN as soon as it was over. She is a big God fan. :)
Me telling them to bid $1

Well, now I watch the Price is Right whenever I am babysitting them :P oh how little the times have changed :) 

Kim just tole me that there is apparently new maps out for Call of Duty Black Ops today...She is downloading them as I write this. If only I didn't have to go to work in an hour. Darn! Well, we will just have to play later...maybe while she is at work :P 
Here's to hoping the "Snow" isn't going to make an appearance anytime soon!
