Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Deepest Apologies...

I am sorry once again for a lack of posts but really i am not sure if yall are really that upset. I shouldn't really apologizes because college does come before blogs...anywho..the reason I am blogging is I have been writing again and am super excited about it. I am not posting it here though because it is the end of a book so i dont want to give it away.

Carpe Diem,
Tabitha Savka

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

2 new stories...

Plenty of Proposals

My name is Camilla Parsons, and today is my wedding day. Ever since I was a little girl I have been dreaming about this day. The white dress, the pink roses, my father walking me down the aisle, the diamond engagement ring, and even the song we dance to. The only thing that was unclear was the groom. Over the years his face and name changed, but now I know who he is, and he is waiting for me at the end of the aisle. Like any normal girl I have had my share of heartache, but unlike most girls I have had plenty of proposals. Most women get one proposal. I had 20 from different men. To understand why I am so happy, you have to hear the storybook like tales.

First Proposal

January 18, 1988

Age 6

Ever since our teacher told us she got engaged, a new recess game was created. One boy would propose to a different girl and they would be engaged for the rest of the year. Cammy wasn’t expecting a proposal ever because it had been at least a month without one. Max had been making fun of her in class today and she was especially sad. Hiding out in the corner of the playground she shuffled her feet and played with her pigtails hoping no one would see her crying.


One Hot Summer

Macy huffed as she tossed her suitcase into the car’s trunk. “Oh, stop your whining and get in the car. You are going to love spending the summer at the lake.” He mother seemed to feel the need to keep mentioning all the fun the lake is. If it was so much fun how come they had never gone before her mom married Alan. Slamming the car door behind her, Macy yanked the seat belt and buckled in for what was sure to be a summer of pure hell. Putting in her headphones and cranking up her music, Macy wished that she could stay home alone for the summer. She would do anything to get away from her mom, Alan, and she couldn’t forget Belinda. Oh course forgetting her would be easier if Belinda wasn’t sitting next to her wearing an entire bottle of pomegranate body spray. Fake gagging as Belinda buckled her seat belt Macy just returned the glare that Belinda sent her way. “Behave you two, or you will both be stuck setting up the house when we get there instead of catching up with friends.” Her mother warned as if it was even a threat. “Doesn’t matter, I don’t have any friends there.” “You’ll make some soon enough.” “Doubt it.” Turning up her music and staring out the window, Macy settled in for a long boring ride.

Carpe Diem,


Monday, September 14, 2009

I found it!

So I totally found the whole quote to my mantra...

Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero – "Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future."

Love It! Now I just need to Live it!

Carpe diem,

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

That time that always comes...

I am kind of at the point of wondering if anyone actually cares about my writing besides me. Though I really can't blame too many people because they have no idea that I write stories. Being half way through college makes me wonder about what I am going to do when its finally over. I have never had a "dream job" all my professors keep talking about. All I know is I love helping people, writing stories, watching movies, and reading books. Tragically, there isn't really a job that I have found that contains all of that, and you can't really have a profession from the meager beginnings of books. Well I have once again started another book! As if you all weren't surprised!

Here's some of those meager beginnings I was talking about:

Letters to a Loved One

It was a normal day in the life of Abigail Winters. Wake up, shower, breakfast, and then a long day working in the flower shop on Main Street. Clipping the stems of a few roses she worked on an arrangement for Mrs. Fieldmont’s anniversary. Mr. Fieldmont would be there in an hour and he was never one to wait. Rather than being yelled at while he waited she worked through her lunch hour to finish before he got there. The bell above the door jangled and she called out to the customer. “I’ll be with you in just a second!” Placing the last rose in the vase, she looked up and was surprised not to see anyone in the store. She hadn’t heard the bell ring to show someone left. Suddenly a man jumped out from behind a tree scaring the crap out of her. “Shit!” Bringing her hand to her chest it felt as if her heart was about to explode. “Damn It Charlie! Are you trying to give me a heart attack? I told you to stop doing that.” He put on the boyish cute smile that got him out of everything he does. “Abbey, you know that I just mess with you because I love you.” Cocking her head, she gave him the look that always called out his bullshit. He put up his hands as if in surrender. “Hey, you know that I love you, but I mess with you because it’s fun.” Smiling, she pulled him into a hug. “I have missed you so much. I told you that when you went into the Army we would never see each other.” His smile thinned into a hard line. “Abbey, I love the Army, and that is one of the things I need to talk to you about this weekend. When do you get off work?” Calculating the day and what time it was in her head, she thought not soon enough. “I have at least another two hours maybe more if I can’t get these orders filled.” Looking her up and down a frown replaced the thin line, and she saw worry in his eyes. “When was the last time you ate a good meal?” She didn’t want to lie to him, but she didn’t want him to know that she skipped lunch almost every day. She must have been silent to long because now he was rambling on. “You need to eat three meals a day. You know that you are already too thin. You know what. Where are your house keys?” Pulling her keys out from behind the counter she handed them over. “I am expecting you home in two hours no longer, and you better be hungry.” With that he turned and walked out the bell ringing as the door opened and closed. He was ever the over protective brother. If only he had been born her brother than they never would have been split up by the orphanage. He had been her rock back then, and when he found her two years ago he became her rock again. They had been best friends when he was 8 and she was 6. When they were sent to two different foster homes they had tried to keep in touch but neither had been the best writers. He was the only person she had considered family and had thought of him often. Then when she least expected it he found her in the same place as today. Making flowers for the people of the small town of Little Glen, Montana. She didn’t recognize him but he called her Abs and she knew. He was the only person she ever let call her Abs. Now he joined the army and was getting shipped out in less than a week. She was losing him all over again. The bell rang and she looked up to find Mr. Fieldmont coming in a scow already on his face. Glancing at the clock she saw that an hour had gone by and she hadn’t even realized it. Also, the flower arrangements she needed to finish were completed in front of her. She had done them without even thinking. Mr. Fieldmont had made his way to the counter and was impatiently drumming his fingers on the counter. “Here are your flowers Mr. Fieldmont. Is everything to your liking?” smiling sweetly pretending not to notice his annoyance. His confirmation was a grunted yes. Taking his money she hollered to him as he left. “Thank you, come again soon!” The door slammed in response shaking the bell and nearly shattering the glass. “Lovely day to you, too.” She mumbled carrying the finished arrangements to the fridge in back. It took her another hour to clean up the store. Locking up, she walked the four blocks down Main Street to her small corner house. All the lights were on showing that Charlie had indeed been cooking dinner. She was not looking forward to him stuffing at least three servings down her throat.

Carpe Diem (hard to do these days),

Friday, July 17, 2009


Hey Y'all,

I am so sorry that I have not posted in a while...though I am not sure that anyone was really concerned about it. I could lead you to believe that I was so busy that I have not had time to write, but that would be a blatant lie. I have been busy, but there is always time to write. Tragically my computer is once again being stupid. I am therefore sending it back to the company to fix...again. My story writing has been put a little on hold, but that is what good old paper and pen were made for. Hope yunz are having a great summer!

Carpe Diem,

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Girl Scout Camp Eats your soul....

So seeing as this week is gs day camp I have had very little time to write (besides tonight), but as much as I really want to keep my new story under wraps (hoping it will motivate me more) I felt a need to share a little of the story I have fallen in love with....

The Importance of Position

Ch. 1

The Ball had been just as successful and stuffy as always. Prince Arimond Laroque was getting ready to leave meaning their ritual goodbye was necessary. Melinda walked over to the door meeting Arimond. “Arimond,” Melinda pouted “do you really have to go?” “Melinda, darling, I must. Don’t worry. I will be back before you know it.” Kissing each other on the cheek, the whispered “Love you” just loud enough for the people nearest to them to hear. Turning, they saw the gossip tongues wagging. Smiling, Arimond left and Melinda searched the ballroom for Adelena. Finding her by the balcony doors, Melinda headed towards her. As she walked across the ballroom she heard the ladies whispering to one another. “Lady Leewood and Prince Arimond make such a cute couple.” and “They have been intended since birth. It is so romantic.” Pushing through the people and avoiding conversations, Melinda finally made it across the room to the Adelena. The exhaustion and frustration must have shown on her face because Adelena took one look at her and dragged her back across the room and out the doors. “We are leaving. You are exhausted and look like you are about to pass out.” Adelena dragged her upstairs to her room. “Gosh Leni, I should have become an actress.” Laughing, Adelena started helping Melinda out of her ball gown. “I am not sure your father would approve.” “The only thing my father approves of is my ‘relationship’ with your brother. Too bad he doesn’t know it is all a big scam.”

Carpe Diem,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I am in love....with a story!

So I have yet again started a new story. I thought I like my story about Addie and Alex, but this is like way better. I am so excited about it that I promised myself I would write at least 2,000 words for it a day! I am definitely finishing this one because I want to know what is going to happen... although at the rate I am going it may turn into three different books...we will have to see...

did i mention I hate homework and summer i do...

Carpe Diem,

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Funniest thing ever!

So my little sister was being way loud while I was watching a movie so the following conversation ensued...I just had to share it. It will make you laugh! Oh and by the way, my sister is 14 going on 15:

ME: If you don’t be quiet, I will stab you in your Carotid Artery (We frequently make empty violent threats to each other when arguing).

STEPH: I don’t have a Carotid Artery (Completely Serious).

ME: Yes, You do.

STEPH: Is it always Carotid? (Still Serious)

ME: Yes, that’s its name. (dying of laughter)

I wonder what they are teaching kids in schools these days?

Carpe Diem,